
Imaginary Piano - Gary Paul Bryant“Gary’s move back to vocals and classic pop is a winning combo…! – Robert Shaw Media

“Take the Power is amazing!” – Claire DeChance, Canada

“This is high-energy jazz influenced with a hint of classical elegance and a touch of New Age” – Accent

“This is a new, cohesive, one-of-a-kind sound, an intelligent fusion of acoustic and electronic pianos, profoundly arranged.” – The Light Connection

“New age jazzbo Bryant knows how to tackle the form and not add cliches when it would be so easy to do so. A tasty work that incorporates his varied piano interests, this sixth album of his has plenty on the ball… this is one of the leading lights for the form and the area.” – Midwest Record Cap

“Gary Paul Bryant is one helluva pianist. Seriously. He has jazz chops up one side and down the other.” – Brett McCallon

“Gary Paul Bryant’s instrumental album, Imaginary Piano, shimmers with the grace and intelligence of a brilliant musician and composer.” – Indie Music Review

“…excellent piano work!” – Patrick MacDonald – Seattle Times

“Imaginary Piano is a superb album – a real keeper! You have a winner here.” – KRCB